NZ Jampot Motorcycle Newsletter

A few cover shots from past newsletters

The NZ AJS & Matchless Owners Register Inc. publishes its motorcycle newsletter bi-monthly with a circulation both in NZ and overseas. The motorcycle newsletter is free to members and is available with a dash of colour (but, sometimes in black and white) via post or in full colour via PDF format via email. The issue is posted to be in letterboxes (in NZ) or email boxes by the 15th of every even numbered month viz Feb, April, June, August, October and December. A total of six issues per year.

Our motorcycle newsletters (all twenty-two pages) are pack full of AMC related articles (we have even featured a James scooter - known as a AJS in the States), members rides, member adverts, ramblings, regalia… Here's a PDF or two to wet your appetite, with its wide range of member supplied articles, including branch news, and motorcycles & bits for sale or wanted.

To download your free sample copy of the Jampot Newsletter, simply click on the newsletter cover picture below. Then apply to become a member by completing the online membership application form. (Joining will set you back all of $35 for an email version or $45 for a printed version. If you wish to advertise your business, the fee is $60.) Then sit back to read your very own motorcycle newsletter, which in future will be sent to you every other month.

The NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs

The Jampot Club is a member of this association. founded in 1994 as a group of motoring enthusiasts interested in the preservation of their vehicles and the right to use them on public roads without undue restriction by regulatory authorities.

The FINAL results of the NZ Historic and Classic Vehicle Survey are now available (25 February 2024). "The Survey has estimated the total historic and classic sector to be approximately 370,000 vehicles...", “With “…a total annual spend exceeding $1.5 billion…”, " annual spend of $6,355 per annum per vehicle...".

Click on this link for a copy of the summary PDF.

Please note. No part of our motorcycle newsletter may be reproduced or published in any form without the permission of the Editor.

Views expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Committee.

By the way, articles and photos are MOST welcome. Please ship them off to the Editor.